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What is Spinal Stenosis?

You may have been told or know someone that has been told they have stenosis, but what does that actually mean and what can be done?

Whiplash: Not just a pain in the neck

Many things happen during the milliseconds of a whiplash injury, let’s slow things down and take a look step-by-step.

5 Questions to ask before seeing a chiropractor in Pittsburgh

1. What are your credentials?
Doctors of Chiropractic (D.C.) comprise the second largest health care profession with over 50,000 practitioners in the U.S. They earn the title “doctor” along with Medical Doctors (M.D.), Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.),…

Sprains, Strains, and Tears, Oh My!

If you have a sprain or strain that doesn’t seem to be healing on its own, or if you’ve suffered a severe joint or muscle tear, please reach out to Pittsburgh Spine and Injury Center. We can help determine a course of care that will get you back to enjoying the activities you love.