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Up to 1 in 3 Americans experience neck pain at some point during the year. At Pittsburgh Spine and Injury Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, experienced chiropractor and rehabilitation specialist Robert Moore, DC, CICE, offers minimally invasive and drug-free treatments for neck pain. Call Pittsburgh Spine and Injury Center to request a neck pain consultation today or book online.


What is neck pain?

Neck pain is stiffness, discomfort, or aching that affects any part of your cervical spine –– the seven vertebrae above your shoulders that support your head.  

Most everyone has neck pain at one time or another, but if your symptoms last for days or don’t improve with at-home treatments, it’s crucial to seek help. Dr. Moore has both traditional medical and chiropractic training, and his knowledge of spinal biomechanics and radiography interpretation ensures accurate diagnoses and successful treatment outcomes. 

What are the symptoms of neck pain?

Symptoms of neck pain include:

  • A persistent ache
  • Stabbing or burning pain
  • Increased sensitivity to movement
  • Headaches
  • Tingling in your shoulders or arms

You might also have tight or stiff muscles in your shoulders or neck, depending on the underlying cause.  

What causes neck pain?

Neck pain occurs for various reasons. Sometimes it’s the result of the natural aging process, poor posture, or stress. Other times, it occurs because of trauma, like auto injuries, work injuries, or sports injuries.  

As an experienced chiropractor and pain specialist, Dr. Moore can pinpoint the source of your discomfort and help you feel better without medications. He always adheres to the practice’s mission statement: “Pain relief without the opioids. The best of the best through clinical excellence.” 

How is neck pain diagnosed?

To diagnose neck pain, Dr. Moore reviews your medical charts and asks about your symptoms, including where it occurs, if it extends into your back or arms, and if moving your head or sleeping in a specific position makes it worse. 

Next, Dr. Moore completes a physical exam. He presses on your neck and shoulders to identify sensitive areas and asks you to move your head up and down and from side to side. Dr. Moore also orders digital X-rays or an MRI to get a better look at your vertebrae and vertebral discs. X-rays can confirm underlying issues like arthritis, while an MRI can detect a herniated disc. 

How is neck pain treated?

Treatment of neck pain depends on the severity of your symptoms and the underlying cause. Dr. Moore might recommend:

  • Physical therapy (exercises to strengthen the soft tissues in your neck)
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Neck decompression therapy (traction therapy)
  • Therapeutic massage
  • Chiropractic adjustments

If your symptoms continue or worsen, Dr. Moore might also prescribe healthy lifestyle changes. Certain long-term strategies like maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and reducing your stress level can provide lasting relief from musculoskeletal pain. 

Call Pittsburgh Spine and Injury Center to request a neck pain consultation today or book online.